Weeding 101

Deselection is an integral part of collection management, but often falls to the side in the busy world of planning programs and serving children. Eliminating outdated, worn, or trivial items can not only improve circulation, but maximize the impact of your collection on the community. 

In this interactive webinar program, Jill Burket Ragase will give you a variety of tools that you will be able to use to:

·      Maintain the quality and relevance of your collection through ongoing evaluation including use of the CREW method

·      Identify items for acquisition and deselection

·      Developing policies for the withdraw and disposal of materials

Weeding is the less glamorous side of collection management. It can be a tricky task. What goes? What stays? What if I need that some day? Yet, weeding is critically important for a vibrant, quality collection. This dose of simple, practical guidelines with specific criteria will inspire a fresh take on your collection.