Picture Books for School Age Readers

Competency: Children’s Services
Sub-Category: Builds a collection designed to meet the needs and interests of children: Evaluates and selects materials and resources in various formats for children

The quantity and quality of picture books targeting school age readers is a fast-growing genre in children’s literature. Librarians are fielding increased demand both from elementary aged readers who prefer the reading picture book format and teachers who have incorporated this growing trend into their lesson plans.

In this interactive webinar program, Jill Burket Ragase will provide an overview of the genre, an overview of new titles, and discuss tools you can use to:

• Be up to date on recently released fiction and non-fiction picture books for school aged children
• Evaluate fiction and nonfiction picture books for inclusion in your collection

This overview of must have fiction and nonfiction books picture books covers under the radar choices for programs and class visits, coverage of un-reviewed items, and suggestions for almost every facet of your school age picture book collection. Program ideas and An extensive bibliography is also included.